Beginning of the End

The Jeweler

"Rich in all things, generous on all occasions"
Oil on Canvas 16x20. Showing at ‘LAX x AMS’ in Amsterdam at the STRAAT museum curated by Thinkspace Projects. Click the image to see moose info on the show.

"All In"
24 x 30 Oil on Canvas

Sneak Peek
18 x 24 Oil on Canvas

"On the Move"
Oil on Canvas 16x20. Shown in "Raiz" at the Brand Library and Arts center in Glendale California curated by Thinkspace art and. Tlaloc Studios. Click the image to link to the show details

"I'm Wit it"
12 x 12. Oil on Canvas

20 x 20. Oil on Canvas

Yak 2
20 x 24 Oil on Canvas

The Martyrdom of Saint Lucious
24 x 24 Oil on Canvas

18 x 24 Oil on Canvas

“En Dieu nous croyons”
16 x 20
Oil on Canvas

"So much for the sun"
16 x 20 Oil on Canvas

Oil on Canvas 12x12" Shown at the "Hawai'i Walls" mural festival curated by Thinkspace Projects in Honolulu Hawai'i. Click the image to link to the show details.

Seeker & Sin
20 x 20 Oil on Canvas

Thy Word Is All
20 x 20. Oil on Canvas

"I Earned My Stripes"
16 x 20. Oil and Acrylic on Canvas

"Even the flood can't stop me"
16 X 20. Oil and Acrylic on canvas

Hallowed be thy name
24 x 24 Oil on Canvas

"Keeping Tabs"
16 x 20 Oil on Canvas

No Opp Left Behind
16 X 20 Oil and Acrylic on canvas

"The Baby wants Candy"
20x 20 Oil and Acrylic on Canvas

The Kidz

Radiance Painting series
A series of personal paintings about radiance and black self worth.

Outsiders-Cover Art
The cover art for Jake Puglisi's new single "Outsiders". All design done by me
Venom In My Roots
An original piece, available as a print on the Alpha'a site

Iced Smile
This piece is made to highlight the magic in black people, from the iced out jewelry we rock, to the sinister grins we put on. My art is about embracing being demonized as I believe that’s what makes us so beautiful. Play the video to hear the music!

Pharcyde 01-Painting
18 x 24 Acrylic on Canvas

Evil Eye
A personal piece done on scratchboard

Fleece (Mock Album cover)
An original piece I created, available as a print on the Alpha'a site.

Amber and Byron's Wedding

Darkest and Dim

Self Portrait

HooDou Black Panther
A personal pen and ink drawing of the iconic Black Panther, redone in my own style. A reflection of the times and the recent George Floyd sparked riots.
Dead Souls: An American Poem illustrations
18 x 24. A charcoal drawing done in response to the Infamous Baltimore riots of 2015

Location Illustration
Created an engaging cover Illustration for SO4P’S new music single called Location available on all streaming platforms.

An early personal piece I created about masking emotions. Play the video to listen to the music!

Dont Trip

A piece completed for a freshman design class assignment in which we were supposed to take a predetermined article and make art based off of it. My article was a summary of the Israel-Palestine conflicts and the key players within.

Ice Cream flavors
Custom Flavors of ice cream I created. Which flavor is your favorite?!


Custom Stickers
The Sidewalk
A piece highlighting the fear that goes through African Americans when law enforcement is present

Devils lettuce
An illustration for the assignment "make a devils farm"

Red and Blue

A piece created for my visual strategies class in which I came up with a word and illustrated it. My word was elevate

Jabberwocky Card
A piece based on the famous poem "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carrol done in my visual thinking class